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Return Policy

For any refund, we will credit the same credit card account on which you charged the original transaction. If the card used in the transaction is no longer available, or if your payment was made by cash, check, traveler's check or money order, we will mail you a check from our corporate office within sixteen (16) days. We can only issue checks to the person(s) listed as the sold to party on the original transaction.


Purchases include the manufacturer warranty or our one-year warranty against defects, whichever is longer. The warranty does not apply to any clearance products sold as is or final sale, including floor samples or display models. Items picked up at our showroom must be returned to our showroom for service inspection, repair or replacement. Warranties are not transferrable. 

No Fit

If the furniture does not fit through normal access, we offer several options:

  • If possible, our delivery service will quote the additional cost to hoist or arrange a “difficult access” delivery.

  • Stock merchandise may be returned for a full refund or credit to reselect.

  • Special orders may be returned for a store credit less 35% of the net sale.


Cancellation of Scheduled Delivery

There is no fee for canceling delivery more than 48 hours prior to the scheduled delivery date. There is a $50 fee for canceling delivery within 48 hours of a scheduled delivery date.

Website & Print Errors

Fresh Interiors strives to provide accurate and timely information on the website and its print materials. However, in the event merchandise is incorrectly priced or contains incorrect product details or other misinformation, Fresh Interiors reserves the right to refuse or cancel any orders, whether or not the order has been confirmed and payment received. If a credit card has been charged for purchases and the order is canceled, Fresh Interiors will issue a credit to the credit card account in the amount of the charge.

Coupons & Special Offers

Return or cancellation of items may result in adjustment or loss of original discount.


Our delivery service offers free storage for 30 days after receiving. If there are any delays beyond the 30 days, storage charges will be assessed at $25/ piece per 30 days. 

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